Community Image + Vision Implementation Through   Architecture    &     Development


Strategy and Vision Generation

1.    Work with local Community Economic Directors to identify project requirements,

2.    Investigate community needs, desires, interests and commitment,

3.    Determine options and opportunities,

4.    Develop report and recommendations for strategic response and solutions and

5.    Generate graphic representation of alternate solutions.


Investigation and Tactical Approach Process

1.    Program development and

2.    Visioning facilitation.


Resource Development Requirements and Procurement

1.    Identify prospective development partners to assist in producing the project,

2.    Identify physical and financial resources needed to produce the project,

3.    Work with community to identify and pursue grants,

4.    Develop bank or lending institution resources for the project and

5.    Develop technical partnerships needed to produce the project.


Implementation and Production

1.    Design and concept development,

2.    Project management for the development,

3.    Project production and delivery, and

4.    Development of sustainable building and energy reduction through design integration.